This post, like the last, doesn't have anything in it! That last one, however, just didn't sit well with me, so I have retracted it. It's like re-writing history, and while it feels a bit wrong, I figure it's better to do that than leave a post I don't like out there in the world.
Now that I'm typing, maybe this post will have something in it after all... brain tonic. Lots of other people have written about how riding their bicycle is good for their mental health, and I'm going to sing that tune too, just for a sec.
I had an afternoon Doctor's appointment today, from which I emerged around 3:30, already dressed in my cycling gear and warmed up from riding there. I asked myself, "self", I asked, "should you go back to work and get maybe 45 minutes more work done, or just go for a nice bike ride?" I'll give you one guess which one I picked. While I always find riding pleasurable, I hadn't ridden just for pleasure in more than a month. It wasn't a long ride by most cycling standards but it was GREAT. Perfect fall weather. No time demands. In some spots I pushed myself hard, and in others just lazed along (at least as much as you can on a fixed gear). I felt that strange peace-inducing joy-joy goodness that comes over me on any ride long enough for me to really loosen up. Pure brain tonic. Interestingly, with my brain awash in endorphins, the first thing I did once I was home was remove the post that had been bugging me. It felt good, as do I.

Pleasure rides are a whole different experience than commutes. Distance is irrelevant. Ya gotta do both. Ride aimlessly and ride aimfully.
And I SAW that secret post you took down, but I'll never tell.
You'll note in my last two posts, there's definitely a Rantwick influence down here. Just like Canada, Texas used to be its own country...
Er, maybe I might have phrased that last sentence better, eh? Um, I better shut up...
You can retract that last sentence, if you like! Retractions are the new black, you know.
How I ended up with a small "following" among you Texans is beyond me, and very cool!
ACTUALLY, I think ChipSeal is from Boise, Idaho and I'm from Washington State, so you really have a following of Pacific Northwesterners that currently LIVE in Texas, if we're being precise. Perhaps we'll someday learn that RatTrap is a Vancouver expatriate, though I haven't heard him say "eh" even once so far. Doohickie is almost Canadian, originally coming from Buffalo.
Yup, I'll retract that other sentence.
Hey! I got to Texas as soon as I could!
I fled southern California while the gettin' was good, lived in Idaho (Boise then Weiser) for a good bit, then less than a year in Tulsa, (That would be Oklahoma for you Canadians without a guide book handy) and then a few years in Gillette Wyoming.
But I'm a Texan now, boy howdy!
ChipSeal - Part of living in the shadow of the US TV elephant is that many Canadians are abnormally knowledgable when it comes to US history and geography, sometimes to the detriment of their knowledge of their own history and geography!
Regardless if all this rambling, I play and sing "Tulsa Time" with a buddy of mine, so I knew it was O000000klahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain...
Steve - If we have to start getting into points of origin, way may all go insane... pass the brain tonic.
ChipSeal - WHERE in Southern California? I lived in Redondo Beach. As Disney said, "It's a Small World..."
another great post, rantwick. i love your picture in this post, the brain tonic one!
i am not originally from texas. while a decade ago, this might have been a redundant statement, these days, i think it has its purpose.
i like texas so far. i haven't seen much of it. i don't like how they drive in dallas.
last night, some jack-donkey tried to run me off the road on 635, intentionally swerving into my lane, because i would not go fast enough for his fancy-donkey car.
peace :)
Brain tonic - I like it! The perfect term to explain how I feel when I ride a bike, especially on a beautiful fall day.
I've been to Texas once, and I got pulled over by a Texas Ranger because I wasn't pulling over into the LEFT lane to let faster cars pass me in the RIGHT lane. Steve - are you sure Texas still isn't its own country?
RW - NE Indiana is only 3 hours from Windsor - we even use your money down here (heck, lately it's better than ours). Ever since I was a kid, we've taken vacations in Ontario, mostly in western Ontario. It's a great place!
There are Canadians here too ya know eh! Even ones from the Capital! Of course, I am not as close to the centre of the universe that is Toronto, but still... Oh the things I can say about Texas... lol but I would fear for my life afterwards.
Is that lane thing true? Does faster traffic typically use the right lane in Texas? 360 can testify, even us Canucks would find that very strange...
Retracted it? LOL. Didn't you read "Blogging 101"? This is the Internet.
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