When I was writing about local London bike shops and stand-offish sales people, I went looking for some funny online material that I could include in the post. One thing I found was an "article" on a "blog" about "How to Silence Rude High-End Salespeople". The title sounded good, but the article wasn't, in my opinion, so I left a comment saying so. Now, to be honest, I had consumed a few beers at the time, so I was over-reacting a little and being a little more dramatic in my commentary than I might normally be, but I certainly wasn't rude or profane in any way:
OK, let's see...
#1 - Do not even enter the store unless you are ready to buy, and know precisely what you want. Do not shop like rich people by just walking in and looking around.
#3 - You must spend money to spend money, and so make yourself into a desperate poser.
This post is disgusting to me. (that's the over-the-top beer-fuelled part, in case you were wondering)
Yer Pal,
As you can see in the picture, I was presented with a "Your comment is awaiting moderation" version of my comment. Well, go and figure, my comment never made it past the "moderation" part of the beauty contest. It would seem that criticism has no place on a web site aimed at the Modern Southern Belle. I had a feeling that might happen at the time, which is why I noted the URL and took a screen shot of my comment, and waited a few days to see if my comment would make it through. I figured if they wouldn't allow my post there, I would allow it here, on RANTWICK.
Done! Thanks for Reading,

P.S. - Does anybody out there know if there are such things as comment-bots that people can send to their own blogs? The comments that did make it seem kind of generic and fake to me. Check it out at
The Blog That Made Me Mad