As you may be aware, "Encounters with Rantwick" is a series of videos featuring the people and things I come across in my daily travels on my bike. Since most of my visitors come from the US, you may not be aware that today is Canada Day! Celebrated on July 1, Canada Day commemorates the enactment of the British North America Act in 1867, which saw four provinces unite to become the country known as Canada. Most Canadians simply refer to it as Confederation or Canada's Birthday, and it is the holiday equivalent to an American's 4th of July.
How fitting is it, then, that on Monday June 29, just in time to get the video ready, I encountered none other than Sir John A MacDonald on the bike path!
Sir John A was Canada's first Prime Minister, the man who first governed our newly minted country after confederation.
One thing that most Americans seem to have in abundance is a sense of patriotism that is very visible and very powerful. Canadians love their country every bit as much, but might seem to show it a little less. Never has a cliche applied so well as when I say that when it comes to Canadian patriotism, still waters run deep. As such, I feel a little weird wearing my patriotism on my sleeve like this, but it feels really good too. In the spirit of putting my patriotism "out there", I am pleased to present the following video montage, which includes my bike path meeting with Sir John A MacDonald!

Sounds to me like Canada Day is like hors d'oeuvres before the main course; 4th of July. Happy birthday America!!!!! J/K
Hors d'oeuvres? This is the main course for me and every other Canuck. Enjoy your 4th of July, though!
A patriotic outburst by a Canadian! This is the first one I have witnessed.
God bless you today, dear Rantwick!
(ChipSeal puts all his Canadian jokes away for another time.)
That was touching. Thanks for doing it.
Rantwick, in honor of Canada Day, I made a special point of requesting stewed tomatoes & toast at the Bell Helicopter cafeteria in Fort Worth, Texas. They didn't have any (nor would they take my Canadian money), but promised to consider it for next year.
Got to run now, and wish my mom a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Y'all too.
Loved the video, the only thing it was missing was somebody showing us how his curling broom handle was really a flask.
Speaking of patriotic, when I went to the UK, shortly after Reagan bombed Libya, I was AMAZED at the number of people, with American accents, that had Canadian flags on their backpacks.
Hey, thanks Steve! You certainly know your Canuck. You can thank that Mother of yours at least in part, I know.
I figure it speaks well for a people when others use their flag in order to be treated a little better out in the bigger world...
Happy (belated) Canada Day!
I most love the beer fridge :-)
I am also most loving of beer.
Happy Birthday, Canada! Ya' done good (for a bunch of Tories)!
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