The click-clack of some cycling shoes or boots is usually mildly annoying or entertaining, depending on your outlook. There are times, however, when those sounds create disappointment or discomfort and even possible revulsion for others.
Allow me to explain. Most mornings I run a little late. Although I have some old runners (sneakers, trainers, whatever) that I keep where I leave my bike at work, I rarely change into them because I'm in a hurry. As a result I click-clack through the office when I arrive and leave most days. When you can see me coming, no problem. But what about when you can't see me, as happens when I leave the office? At this point I think a diagram may help explain:

I think many of you now know where I'm going with this, but just in case, I have created a video to illustrate the problem...
That, by the way, was really me superimposed on that hallway. I'm not sure who I pity more, myself or them. I need to leave myself more time in the morning, I think.
Walk the walk, baby.

I can't tell you how many times this song gets stuck in my head. Usually spurred by the sound of my cleats on linoleum.
Now, you can sing along.
That was a surprisingly mild sound. I expected a metallic CLACK-CLACK-CLACK-CLACK... The final image was still a bit of a surprise. Should we be grateful that it was a winter shot?
Psycle... thanks a lot. It's already stuck.
Kali - No, you shouldn't be grateful. My grey face is all dry right now, but with a little sun it positively glows in summer. I also run about 40 lbs heavy in winter and am my perfect weight all summer.
Conversely, imagine how pleasantly surprised they all are when they think it's you but it turns out to actually be an attractive lady instead of some over upholstered grey-faced cycle troll in cleats.
Marrock - That was quite possibly one of the best comments ever left on this blog.
"over upholstered grey-faced cycle troll in cleats"
I shall cherish that phrase until the day I die.
I hadn't considered how much cycling shoes sound like heels, until now. Thanks for the laughs. I have a walk of pride/shame each morning, I also usually arrive late, and I'm usually in some ridiculous getup (today including goggles), sometimes soaking wet, covered in snow, etc. In my office we all work in a large open area, so it's impossible for people not to notice.
Consider it my contribution to the cause.
You know, Cycle Trolls might make a decent band name...
Huh... yeah not bad. You do that "band name" thing too? I am forever doing that myself.
Yeah, unfortunately...
Sometimes when I get bored my mind wanders, and once in a while it doesn't find it's way back.
By the way, the best band name I ever got was from a webcomic I read called Digger, and that was "Oracular Slugs"
Damn, that's a funny one Rantwick!
Keep the suspense going!
Peace :)
Pretty good footing to be able to maintain that stride on a hard floor in cycling cleats. Many cyclists go clack clack clack slip BANG ow limp limp limp. Maybe that's more of a road shoe thing: Hard, slick soles and cleats not recessed in the sole tread.
So, who was the SECOND person superimposed on that hallway? You don't look at ALL how I imagined! How much does Mrs Rantwick know about all this?
Cafiend - Yeah, the soles are very hard, but the cleat is mostly recessed among deep plastic.
Steve - poor, poor Steve. Someday I'll explain. For now, just get some sleep. heh heh.
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