Something else has come up. Chandra of GreenComotion has asked me if he could submit a picture from St. Louis that he took a few years ago. As much as I hate to say no, especially to Chandra, who may be one of the kindest online friends I've got, I'm saying no because I hope to run this contest annually and can't have people showing up with kick-ass pictures from previous years.
That said, I really want to see this photo. Chandra, would you send it in for me to post even though I won't enter it? Please? C'mon, you know you want to...
The subject of his email to me was "FARATS entry -- woot!", and here's some info he provided about the tree:
PS - Having served its purpose, the leaf fell off my shoe at approximately 12:55 PM Eastern. I know because I have been staring at it non-stop ever since clicking the "Publish" button. I'm gonna go find some eye drops; you enjoy your afternoon.
PPS - Keri has indicated that she would be happy to enter her picture in the contest! Here it is!
- SuperSexyBoiGod , commenting on the Spandex Commuter vs. Electric Bike video (comment on youtube.com) that I used in an episode of Encounters With Rantwick.
I didn't respond to that one. I was too hurt deep inside to do so, having learned that I had been hateful without knowing it and was also "faggoty". I just crawled under the blankets and wept for a while.
"You are slow despite your best efforts to squeeze your plump body into spandex. This is something no one of your build or stature should ever try to do. The tight clothes aren't going to reduce drag...they're only displaying things to the world that no man, or woman should ever display... Clothing is important...be comfortable but don't go out looking like Lance Armstrong unless you can pull it off."
- Dave, commenting on my How's My Driving sign.
These comments I did respond to, because that was the point of the sign. Click the link to see the whole conversation.
Thanks to comments like these aimed at me and many others on the Internet, I have come to realize that for many people, it isn't the cyclist that brings forth their ire, but rather the spandex he or she is wearing. They seem to hate it even more if you're wearing that stuff and you're not in tip-top shape, and god help you if you are (gasp) overweight. Apparently overweight people like myself have no right to wear it. I know that that most people commute in something other than the tight stuff. For myself, I find a pair of real cycling shorts with a chamois and everything the most comfortable, so that's what I wear. Here is a picture of my faggoty butt:For reasons uninteresting to anyone, anywhere, I installed Crystal Reports XI on my computer at work yesterday. While browsing around the folders it created, I came upon this "images" folder that is used by a sample database:
Upon closer inspection, those bikes turned out to be Rocky Mountain bicycles. Rocky Mountain is a cool British Columbia based company here in Canada that has produced some really great mountain bikes, especially in that golden age when Ritchey and others were perfecting the art. Ritchey even worked with them. Rocky Mountain is now owned by a bigger Canadian company, but is still independently operated and still makes great bikes. I got most of the preceding info from Wikipedia.
I'm totally guessing here, but I imagine somebody developed a database and some Crystal Reports to go with it for Rocky Mountain, and then software people talked to bike people about making it the sample database/report thing as a way of free advertising or something, complete with massively long contracts and an abundance of legalese.
What I would rather think, however, is that some software developer working for Business Objects (which owns Crystal Reports which is in turn owned by SAP) is a rabid bike junkie who worked it in to the product with nobody's permission at all. That (while naive) is much more appealing, don't you think?
You know how there are things you ride past every day that catch your eye? Well, there's a sign and item on my regular "late for work" commute route that has been there for a very long time.
I want to buy that plow. I don't own an ATV and probably never will. I guess I just want to put that sign out of its misery. Sadly, I don't have $150 to throw at something don't need or even want. But if I won the Lottery, it would be one of the first things I did with my newfound wealth. I would not, by the way, buy an ATV to go with it. Perhaps I could somehow incorporate it into the decor of my new super cool small neighbourhood pub featuring an abnormally excellent stage and sound system. How about you? Do you have something small and/or weird that you would do with a sudden influx of cash? Just wondering...
Yer Pal,
I laugh uncontrollably on the Tilt-A-Whirl. The older I get, the worse it becomes. My children like taking me on it because they almost never see me that way and I like letting them. When I say uncontrollably, I mean uncontrollably. Once I start I can't stop, and I start on the first good spin. Tears stream down my face. People in line laugh at me. It's fun.
3) Zipper Bags
USB drives are what I think technology should be... straightforward, useful little devices that just make things so much easier. I also like the physicality of them. Plug 'em in, carry them around, plug 'em in somewhere else. Computer files physically moved (rather than transmitted) from one place to another. Old Magic made new. For some unknown BS reason I don't like the phrase "thumb drive" when referring to them. I mean, who cares? I do, it would seem, because I am insane.
Well, that's it. I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to make such a list, but you know, why not? Blogging is good that way. Have an excellent weekend and keep your eyes open for contenders in the Smackdown.