Well, what on earth could I write about today other than the mighty Sandy? In the past I would watch the news of events like this and feel sorry for the people I saw in an arm's-length, rather cold kind of way. I hate the Internet because thanks to it and this blog and other people's blogs, now I feel like I "know" people in some of the worst hit areas and I worry about them. I watch for posts or tweets telling me they're OK despite the fact that if they have their heads screwed on straight they won't be bothering with those things right now but rather be helping their families and neighbours get through it all alright.
I know I shouldn't worry. I'm sure my Internet acquaintances are all quite resourceful and intelligent and will be just fine. I can't help worrying anyway though, especially about the New York City dwellers, some of whom were likely a little complacent after Irene didn't do too much harm (at least in NYC) last year. The big city is a tough place to go into survival mode, I bet.
All I can do, I guess, is send out my best hopes and prayers for everyone who was in the path of this storm. Be safe and stay well, everyone.
Yer Pal,

PS - On a slightly lighter note:
Thanks to cyclelicious for that one. I love the Internet.
77 and sunny here.
I read your latest post, John... pleased to hear all is well.
Steve - You lucky dog.
I hear you, Rantwick, loud and clear. I was more than a little disturbed to notice that I care about a whole raft of folks I've never met. But caring is always a good thing, right??
Deleting post from the other day, feeling a little overexposed. Thanks =)
Babble - Of course it is. Always!
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