Sunday, November 20, 2022
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty Nine: Possum!

Friday, February 11, 2022
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty Eight: Rampaging Unleashed Dogs!

Saturday, October 17, 2020
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty Seven: Morning Mayhem!

Thursday, May 17, 2018
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty Six: Parenting Tips!
OK, dumb, I know. But making this video made me think of one of my Mom's super tricks. My two older brothers used to fight. Like play fighting that often went wrong - they were angry little guys. When things went too far and they were going to seriously bloody one another, my Mom would tell them that they could fight as hard as they wanted but she wouldn't have them ruining their clothes. They would have to put on their fight shirts. These were two old sweatshirts reserved for fighting in. Thing is, by the time the little buggers had changed into their fight shirts, much of their anger had dissipated and thus the ensuing fight was generally non-life-threatening. My mother was a super genius.
I bet you've got some parenting gold squirreled away in your memory too. I would love to read about it in the comments.

Thursday, September 7, 2017
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty Five: The One
I encountered a truly amazing character on the street a while ago. Or was it just super nifty spookily fortunate timing? Either way it was cool. I think anyway. How about you be the judge:
Yer Pal,

Sunday, August 30, 2015
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty Four: Rattle Snake!
Yer Pal,

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty Three: Bugs!
Yours in Freakish Catharsis,

Monday, February 4, 2013
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty Two: Taxi Driving Trash
Yer Pal,

Thursday, October 11, 2012
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty One: Rocket Raccoon

Monday, June 18, 2012
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Twenty: Super Salmon Cycle Squad!
Those three are a reminder to me that perfection is possible, and for that I am grateful. Thank you, SSCS!
Yer Pal,

Friday, June 15, 2012
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Nineteen: Geese Are Cranky Jerks
I guess I should just cut that bird the same slack I did for humans in my opening musings, but I can't. With Geese, it's about even odds that if you get within earshot, they're gonna insult you. It's true and you know it. If you don't know it yet, you will. Oh yes, you will.
Yer Pal,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Encounters with Rantwick, episode Eighteen: Cycle Satan and Devil Dog

Monday, August 8, 2011
Encounters with Rantwick, episode seventeen: I Am a Cat 6 Racer

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Encounters with Rantwick, episode sixteen: Friends of the Freak

If you're like some of these good people and want a camera like mine, check out
Monday, April 18, 2011
Encounters with Rantwick, episode fifteen: Stupid Honking Jerks
Man oh man, do I love those Stupid Honking Jerks. Their laughter is totally worth the startle. Yer Pal,

PS - Hit GoPro.com
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Encounters with Rantwick, episode fourteen: Squirl, Interrupted

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Encounters with Rantwick, episode thirteen: Extreme Optimism

That dryer is so strong and loud that almost nobody uses it. Man, that image is distracting. It makes my gums feel like they're drying out. Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, extremism. It would seem you can also apply extremism to other "isms"! I'm not on about nihilism this time, but rather Optimism. I encountered Extreme Optimism out on the bike a couple of days ago. Behold:

Monday, June 28, 2010
Encounters with Rantwick, episode twelve: Kicking the Wagon to Tip the Bucket Fantastic
Yer Pal,

Monday, May 24, 2010
Encounters With Rantwick, episode eleven: I Pass Something Annoying
It's wasn't a kidney stone, but oh, the pain!
I don't know about you, but when I pass another cyclist, I make a point of dropping them pretty quickly if I can. I do this because I hate it when somebody deems it necessary to pass me only to slow down and block my progress once they have done so. Sometimes when I'm kind of pumped up in the middle of a ride, I'll pass somebody going almost as fast as me. That is the worst, because then I feel obligated to kill myself rather than take a breather and allow them to pass me back. I get more exercise, but I always feel a bit stupid for caring whether I get overtaken by them. I mean, who cares, really?

Friday, December 4, 2009
Encounters with Rantwick, episode ten: Industrial Bright And Tragic
My cycling specific garb for winter riding has been joined by several bits of industrial work wear lately, three bits to be precise. One thing I've begun wearing only recently is a pair of clear safety glasses:

I really like my clear goggles for cold weather riding, but that's the problem. This year it has become dark during my commute without becoming cold enough to warrant the goggles, which can be quite warm when you're working much. So, I tried the clear safety glasses, and I must say I quite like them.
The next item is one that I haven't really felt the need to use until recently. My work has had me commute to some new and different locations lately, some of which force me to ride on some roads that most sensible cyclists would rather avoid. I wasn't feeling quite visible enough some of the time on these roads, so I added a reflective vest to my usual getup:

I must say that I like what the vest does, but I hate wearing it. It makes me feel like a nerd, which is totally stupid because Mutant Winter with her pink cables and plastic tub have already completely established that I AM a nerd, so why should I care? Perhaps I attach more importance to clothing; after all "clothes make the man", right? If that's true, do "gloves make the hands"?
I've never really believed that specialty mitts or gloves, like "lobster claws" and stuff like that were necessary for winter riding, as evidenced by the stuff I was forced to retire thanks to being worn out:
I've only had those $5 gloves for about a month! I must have super strong thumbs. Damn video games!
I came across my replacements when I was at a work wear place buying jeans. I am really excited about these (not a nerd. right.) because they may well be the perfect winter cycling glove despite the fact that they were not designed for the purpose:

They are fuzzy on the inside, the backs are a knit material and the palms and fingers are rubberized. They are extremely grippy on the handlebars regardless of weather conditions. Last but not least, they are really hi-vis! I have read Steve A and others talk about lights to make wrists or hands visible so that their signals don't get missed; these wouldn't do in the summer of course, but in the dark of winter when these things might matter most, I think they are a pretty darn good solution. Last but not least, they were $16. But never mind all that. These things make me look cool, because they make my hands and fingers look like those of Master Shake:

If you don't know who Master Shake is, shame on you. You are so un-cool. I didn't know who he was either, but a young colleague of mine said my hands looked like his in those gloves, so I looked him up. I don't get the channel needed to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force, but I really wish I did... it seems like my kind of strangeness.
OK, where was I? Ah yes, I was stylin' in my industrial evolution:

So, I am Industrial Bright and lookin' special. Where's the Tragic? I was in my full industrial bright splendour when the following occurred:
The tragedy lies not in the fact that the truck driver didn't like me being where I was and using his air horn. The tragedy is that for reasons I can't explain, I lost my temper and flipped him off very clearly with my new hi-vis finger held high for his rear-view mirror. He didn't miss that signal, because he touched his brakes for no reason while I did it, like he might stop for a chat. I know lots of cyclists would consider that pretty normal, but it isn't for me. That was the first time in my many years of driving and cycling that I have ever given someone the bird, and therein lies the tragedy. I pride myself on keeping my cool and refraining from reacting to stuff like that dude's air horn. Civility is important and as my Mother would say, two wrongs don't make a right.