There is a peculiar little wave used by cyclists who are passing each other in opposing directions sometimes. In London Ontario, almost nobody does it, so I don't usually do it either. I am, however, always ready to wave back when it happens. I kinda like it. Here's a sample:
I understand why the wave needs to be understated. Nobody wants it confused with a signal for turning or stopping or whatever. It seems awful quiet and tentative though, considering how awesome it is that 1) you are riding a bike and 2) they are also riding a bike and 3) you're both willing to wave, signifying that you "get" each other at least in some small way.
Have you ever heard a group of Australians respond to the call "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie" with a rousing "Oi, Oi, Oi"?
I wish it was like that with passing cyclists. I mean, how fun would it be if instead of a small hand gesture, we all did this:
An additional bonus is that this could be used after you've overtaken someone too, since it isn't a visual thing! Tell your friends. If the tens of people who read this blog start doing it, surely it will become an international phenomenon, right? WE RIDE BIKES! WOOP, WOOP, WOOP!
Yer Pal,

PS - In this day and age it seems everything has already been done. I often think up little inventions, only to search for them online and sure enough, somebody else has gotten there first. Wondering if by some bizarre chance somebody had already done something like this before, I searched "we ride bikes woop woop woop" and found that the Aussies, of all people, were already in the ballpark with the "WOOP! Rolling Festival", some sort of fun cycling thing in Sydney.
This event is not in direct conflict with my idea; in fact if they do it again, these people would probably be more than ready to take up my chant! I'm gonna try to contact them and give a link to this post on their facebook page. Can you feel the momentum building? WE RIDE BIKES! WOOP, WOOP, WOOP!
PPS - If you think it would feel awful stupid doing this, try doing both parts standing alone in a work parking lot at lunch just so you could make a stupid video. I hope nobody noticed.
PPS - If you think it would feel awful stupid doing this, try doing both parts standing alone in a work parking lot at lunch just so you could make a stupid video. I hope nobody noticed.