As many of you know, I suffer from Word To Form (WTF) syndrome. Just search WTF on this blog for examples and explanations. Anyway, I was over at Rat Trap Press and was struck with a peculiar case of it, a case in which I thought I saw a bicycle seducing two other bicycles.
Perhaps it was the post's title "It's Getting Hot" that made me think such things, I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't suffer from my special malady or produce things like this:

I would like to apologize to RTP in advance for putting such a sordid spin on an otherwise lovely and normal blog post. Sadly, I can no more deny my WTF than I can control my customizer. Forgive me, him, and all those who are ruled by decidedly unruly impulses, for though we know what we do, we can not seem to stop doing it.
I've got to go give Mrs. Rantwick some goonie eyes of love now. She's more real than steel, man, and that's the truth.