Hey all, sorry I vanished for a while without saying goodbye. The Rantwick clan went on an adventure. Most of those memories I plan to hoard for myself rather than broadcasting them here. I will tell you I was well off the grid, with no access to the Internet. I missed this stuff, but not the work stuff.
I have a tendency to keep working when I am supposed to be relaxing, so being unable to check in was very good for my brain. I experienced a blissed out feeling represented well by this guy, who was obviously enjoying a nice moment, at least until I announced my stupid presence:
Alas, we got bills to pay and thankfully employers who appear willing to help us do it, so we're getting back to normal now.
I hope to post way more often again in the coming months, but I'm not entirely sure I want to do the Autumn Tree Smackdown again. What do you think? Would you be disappointed, or is it time to retire that thing? Let me know.
Yer Pal,