Crabbiness overcame me yesterday. I'm not going to apologize for it, since what I wrote remains true. However, I was taking things a little too seriously. I mean, I have a loving family, a good job, a bike, a car and several personal interests (including this blog) that I find really enjoyable. One of my brothers has a great expression that grounds me real quick: my problems are First World problems. I won't try to explain that, because thankfully Rantwick readers are real smart, like genius monkeys on intelli-crack smart.
You know, it's not like I have a toddler on a leash who falls down and causes me to lightly kick my dog at the end of a tiring and dreary winter day:
Poor woman. I hope and trust that she has had many enjoyable moments since that one.
It is still Summer, my toddlers (one of which could have used a leash) are awesome almost full grown people and my dog says I Love You pretty reliably when I get home each day. I'm all good.
It is still Summer, my toddlers (one of which could have used a leash) are awesome almost full grown people and my dog says I Love You pretty reliably when I get home each day. I'm all good.
Yer Pal,