Hey there everyone. I've made the decision to register rantwick.com, and this blog will be found there from now on. Google tells me all the old stuff will be automatically forwarded to the new domain, so you shouldn't really notice any difference, and if you're used to typing rantwick.blogspot.com, no worries because it should automatically forward to rantwick.com.
I'm a little puzzled about what, if anything, will happen with my feeds or ads, but I'll sort out any problems out as we go.
If you are a regular and notice anything wonky, please let me know so I can run it down, but for the next couple of days don't be surprised if the location bar changes to rantwick.blogspot.ca or stays at rantwick.blogspot.com since the new name needs a little time to propagate to the big dns servers.
Yer Pal,