I've been driving my family a little crazy with my obsessive behaviour surrounding this commercial:
The stuff being advertised here is being called a "water enhancer" by the company who makes it. Every time that guy says "it really changes your water", I scream "YES, it changes your water into juice!" at the TV. My family used to just laugh, but now they are beginning to find it tiresome. Nonetheless, I can't seem to let it go.
I have nothing against this product, but for some stupid reason I can't just let this "water enhancer" angle slide. I mean, what is the real difference between this stuff and:
Sure, the chemicals and artificial flavours and sweeteners may have changed, but how the hell is this stuff really any different? When you add a flavoured syrup or powder to water, you have made juice. Crappy juice, but juice.
This is a pretty minor thing, I know, so this instance of "Are You #%^1n' Kiddin' Me?" should probably read "Are You #%^1n' Kiddin' Me, Rantwick? I mean, how can this matter to you or anyone else?" But you know, I've already, like, written some stuff. So that's where we are.
This is a pretty minor thing, I know, so this instance of "Are You #%^1n' Kiddin' Me?" should probably read "Are You #%^1n' Kiddin' Me, Rantwick? I mean, how can this matter to you or anyone else?" But you know, I've already, like, written some stuff. So that's where we are.
Yes, it Changes Your Water. Into Juice.