My family saw two deer close up last weekend while driving well within the boundaries of London Ontario. They were beautiful. I love deer; they have the skinny legs of horses or cows, yet have a graceful, natural shape found in neither. It was great. I did not get pictures, preferring to enjoy the moment rather than scrambling for a phone or whatever.
The natural world has a way of asserting itself even in unlikely places, no matter where you live; different animals perhaps, but rest assured, there will be groundhogs. City-dwelling wild animals make me happy in a very simple way. Perhaps that is why this helmet cam-based video has a Sesame Street kind of quality. Enjoy. Or not, I guess, if you're some sort of bitter and negative person who would rather be crusty. Either way, if you click play there will be groundhogs!
As you may have noticed, I recruited the Rantwick clan to record some voice-overs. They were totally willing at the time, probably because they knew it was the quickest way to have me leave them alone so they could return to the things they actually wanted to be doing.
When my kids saw the finished product, they independently asked variations of "What is your deal? Who sees five groundhogs and does this?" I had no answer other than "I do, I guess!" That answer didn't seem to satisfy, but I got the feeling that despite their puzzlement, they kind of liked that I am this kind of weirdo. Kind of. Mrs. Rantwick, on the other hand, just doesn't ask such questions any more. She is the best woman on the planet, hands down.
Yer Pal,

PS - Groundhogs are real pain in the butt for farmers, who in these parts shoot them when they can. I get that. These city groundhogs, however, aren't hurting anybody as far as I know. I hope they get to stick around.