Saturday, February 10, 2018

Long Time, Blah Blah Blah.

Hello everyone! I'm back, and not in a kind of thready medically fragile kind of way; I've been fixed! The original cause of my stroke has been removed and won't be back. I have no follow-ups with brain doctors, because there is nothing to follow! My brain has been more thoroughly scanned than any on the planet. I have some leftover dizziness that will improve over time and it certainly isn't bad enough to prevent me from cycling. I'm just dying for streets suitable for slicks; I suppose I could mount the studded tires but I would rather play the brain surgery weak boy card for now. Spring please. Still want a fat bike.

As much as I don't want to focus on brain stuff, my experience (or more accurately, my sweet family's) was pretty crazy. I was in surgery for 13.5 hours and knocked out on general anesthetic for about 26 hours. Who The F*ck has a 13 hour surgery? Like, really? Holy Mother F**k Sh*t Ass Cray Cray Koo Koo Nutty Pyjama Pants, like Holy Sh*t man!

Should I post my totally badass brain surgery scar? It's all covered by hair mostly these days. It's totally f*ckin cool tho. Oh, what to do?

I think the natural thing to do is post a video stuffed full of swear words on Monday. Like, lots of bike swears. Yeah. I'm good. You Good? Good. See ya Monday.

Yer Pal,

Friday, November 24, 2017

And Now, Some News: I've Come Through My Brain Surgery Quite Well!

Hey all. I won't be doing a real post for a while because my brain surgery has happened (on Nov 16) and appears to have been very successful! Yay!

That said, I'm weak as a kitten and I'm not allowed to lift anything heavier than a large feather.

My recovery is likely to take at least a couple months and I probably won't be posting much in that time. I just didn't want any of my few remaining regulars to worry I was dead!

I will update again when, say, I ride again for the first time or something like that.

As always thanks for everyone's good vibes and kind hopes!

Yer Pal,